Permits to enter the Old Town quarter by a vehicle |

Permits to enter the Old Town quarter by a vehicle

In order to obtain a permit (single entry or multiple entry) to enter the restricted zone, a person must submit an application to the Municipal Road Management Authority (MZD) in Toruń. The reasons for the application must be clear, well justified and properly documented. It is advised that the application be submitted well in advance as the MZD is obliged to issue a decision in that matter within 14 days.

Where to submit the applications?
The application must be submitted at the office of the Municipal Road Management Authority (MZD) in Toruń at 159 Grudziądzka street, from Monday to Friday between 7 a.m. and 3 p.m.. The application may be submitted in person, by mail, by fax or by e-mail.

The application for issuing a multiple entry permit must be submitted together with documents confirming the need and justifiability of the entry and parking at the indicated place. Such documents may be:

  • entry from the register of commercial entities or certified copy of an entry from the National Court Register
  • document confirming property ownership
  • a contract to perform particular works or services
  • permit to occupy a road strip area (right-of way)

If the application is for a long-term multiple entry permit, the applicant must enclose a copy of the vehicle registration license.

If the application is for a vehicle over 3.5 tons of weight, the applicant must enclose a statement that they commit to cover the costs of repairing any damage to the road surface and other elements of the road area caused by the entry or parking of the vehicle.

In special and justified cases, it is possible to issue a permit to bearer.

When the permit is issued it must be collected at the place where the application was submitted. On applicant’s request contained in the application, the permit may be sent by mail at the indicated address.

Before entering the Old Town area, always place the permit behind the windshield so that it all the data are clearly visible.

The permit does not relieve from the obligation to abide by the applicable traffic regulations and the special traffic regulations for the Old Town area in Toruń – others than those for which the permit is granted.

The permit does not relieve from the obligation to pay a parking fee in the Paid Parking Zone. The proof (receipt) of paying the fee must be placed behind the windshield of the vehicle together with the permit so that all the data are clearly visible

>>> Application form to issue a permit to enter the Old Town area.

See also: