
  • Koncert otwarcia III edycji Festiwalu Piosenki i Ballady Filmowej: „Miłośnie i Filmowo”. Krzysztof Jakowicz, Katarzyna Jamróz & Zespół Kameleon Hadriana Tabęckiego.
  • Runy Zamku Krzyżackiego EN Zamek Krzyżacki w Toruniu był pierwszym, jaki powstał na ziemi chełmińskiej. Szukając dogodnego miejsca, Krzyżacy wybrali dość znaczne wzniesienie nad Wisłą, nad którym rozplanowali swój zamek, nadając mu podkowiasty kształt. Wykopaliska archeologiczne, prowadzone tu w latach 1958-66, wykazały, że około X w. istniał w tym miejscu gród obronny. Po translokacji miasta w latach 1233-36 zaczęto wznosić zamek krzyżacki, zapewne najpierw drewniany, a następnie kamienno-ceglany. W ciągu XIII i XIV w. powstała zabudowa zamku komturskiego. Wybudowano skrzydło południowe z kaplicą, refektarzem, dormitorium i kuchnią. Następnie powstały: kapitularz, potężna ośmioboczna wieża, studnia, wieża sanitarna zwana "Gdaniskiem" i pozostałe budynki gospodarcze. Po bitwie grunwaldzkiej (1410 r.) zaczęto wzmacniać mury obwodowe i dostosowano zamek do większej liczby załogi. W...
  • Toruń is situated over the Vistula river, in the eastern part of the Toruń Basin, where three historical regions meet – it borders upon the Kujawy in the south, Chełmno Land in the north, the Drwęca Valley and Dobrzyń Land in the east.
  • The management of real estates belonging to Toruń City District involves also the sales of other real estates, both developed and undeveloped. Appropriate information in this matter is published on city websites.
  • The "Children's World" fair will be the main point of meeting for children, parents, companies delivering professional products as well as specialists and care-takers from Toruń's day care centres, nurseries, counselling and educational institutions. It is the one and only such fair event in the region and a perfect opportunity to learn about the varied offer for children before the coming Children's Day.
  • Jarmark Katarzyński is a traditional fair dedicated to folk artists and handicraft makers as well as merchants whose offer includes products connected with folk culture as well as jewellery, leather products, pottery, artistic glass, wooden, stone products, souvenirs, bronze products, wicker products and a variety of foods. It takes place in the very centre of Toruń – at the New Town Square, the second in significance yard of Toruń's Old Town.
  • Most recent wedding fashion, new trends in make-up, wedding and engagement jewellery and proposed decorations of rooms, churches and cars – all of those are on display during the Wedding Fair, which takes place along with the Academy of Beauty Day. This is a perfect occasion for those planning a wedding and a reception.
  • Academy of Beauty Day is an event complementing the Wedding Fair that takes place on the same date in the Park Fair Centre. Both exhibitions concern goods and services that make it easier to take care of attractive looks and a fantastic figure, and provide a comprehensive offer of caring for the beauty through: beauty treatments, trends in hairdressing, make-up and nail styles, cooperation with various specialists.
  • A fair duet: Restoration 2012 and Fittings – Services – Art – Devotional objects “Churches” 2012 are the most important of such events in Poland and the only specialist fairs for the industry connected with securing and restoring monuments as well as equipping sacral buildings. The former is held for the seventeenth time, the latter – for the ninth time. Along with the fair, the 15th edition of the Forum for Conservators will be organized.
  • An event just before Christmas, offering hand-made folk and artistic products. Preferred assortment includes: Christmas articles, table decorations, Christmas tree decorations, souvenirs, ceramics, wicker products, jewellery, minerals, Christmas trees and accessories for installation and decoration.
  • Sixth edition of the Automotive Fair that enjoys immense interest of both exhibitors and guests. Among the participants there are producers and distributors of cars, motorcycles, scooters, quads, parts, accessories and car cosmetics, etc.
