
  • In a silver field there are red city walls with crenellations and three donjons of equal height. In each outmost donjon there is one black porthole. In the city walls there is a gate with gold doors, of which the right part is open. The fitting on the doors is silver, and in the open half of the gate there is a raised silver portcullis. The opening of the gate is black. A kneeling angel in blue attire with silver wings holds the crest...
  • The colours of Toruń are white and blue in a horizontal arrangement, white at the top, blue at the bottom, both of equal size. Boards informing about the offices of the authorities of the city of Toruń and their organizational units are blue, the inscription is white.
  • The bugle-call of Toruń was composed by Jerzy Bojanowski. It was played for the first time on 29th April, 1926.
  • T he handle of the key to the gates of the city contains a symbol (salamander in flames), a slogan (the inscription "Durabo") and the crest of Toruń (an angel with the crest). Below is the inscription "Toruń". The bit of the key is in the shape of stylized city walls.
  • The Great Seal is a symbol of the self-government authorities of the city of Toruń.
  • The chains of the President and the Chief Councillor of the City Council as well as the staff and bell of the Chief Councillor are attributes of authority; they stress a person’s position. They can be used during the City Council sessions, especially the solemn ones, ceremonies during city, state and other festivals of a special character – in Poland and abroad, official events, conferences, meetings and occasional events.
  • The staff and bell of the Chief Councillor of the City of Toruń Council, just like the chains of the President and the Chief Councillor are attributes of authority; they stress a person’s position. The staff and bell of the Chief Councillor are used to open and close sessions as well as to establish order and discipline during sessions.
  • Toruń has a collection of municipal identification signs, all of which are hundreds of years old, part of the city’s heritage, and which define the cultural identity of Toruń. The following are the signs of the city of Toruń and the symbols of the self-government authority...
  • Toruń was honoured with the Honorary Plaque of the Council of Europe. This is the second high distinction, (after the honorary flag), given to us for actions we made for the sake of European unity. The message about granting of this prize came on the first of May 2005, on the first anniversary of Poland’s joining the European Union.
  • On December the 6th 2001 Toruń joined the elite group of European cities, which includes several other Polish cities that have the Honorary Flag of the Council of Europe. Our city was given this unique distinction for international activity and for contribution in promoting the idea of European unity.
  • In 1998, during the 19th International Convention of the New Hansa in Visby (Sweden), Toruń became a member of the Union of the Cities of the New Hansa. The decision on this matter was made by the General Assembly of Delegates of this organization, which according to tradition lasting several centuries has the power to accept new members. However, the history of Toruń in the Hansean League is much longer…
  • One of the ships of the Polish Navy has the name and crest of our city - this is the transport and mine ship ORP "Toruń". Transport-mine ship ORP "TORUŃ" - hull number 925 - is one of five ships of this type, and is a part of the Second Command of Transport-Mine Ships, which functions in structures of the Eighth Flotilla of Coast Defence.
  • Development and modernization of roads is in terms of value the biggest package of municipal investments which are ongoing and planned by 2025. In order to maintain transparency of such a large number of tasks, they have been divided into groups – in accordance with their importance for the road system of Toruń.
  • Acoustic map of the city was created in order to assess acoustic climate of Toruń. This is not a single map, but rather a collection of descriptive and graphic information on municipal space. It consists of a set of maps illustrating the long-term average “A” sound levels for a day-evening-night time (Lden) and night time (Lnight). Sound levels were calculated for four types of noise sources: road traffic, railway traffic, tramway traffic and industry.
  • It is worth knowing that municipal roads are insured. If a vehicle is damaged as a result of poor condition of a municipal road, the owner of the vehicle may apply for compensation. Here is some important information concerning this matter.
