
  • Toruń is the first Polish city and the one among 400 cities all over the world that participate in the Feast of Music. The event takes place each year on 21 June. Anyone can play. The Feast of Music (Fr. Fête de la Musique) was organised for the first time in 1982. The idea originates from France, but it was quickly "bought" in many other countries.
  • Toruń celebrates its city festival on 24 June – on a day of the St. John the Baptists, the patron of Toruń. His patronage dates back to foundation of the city in the 13th century and construction of the first temple – the St. John’s Church. Nowadays, this church is the Toruń St. Johns’ Cathedral (the Baptist and the Evangelist), and therefore the most important church in the Diocese of Toruń. The monumental structure of the cathedral is the most visible architectural element within the Vistula panorama of Toruń.
  • On summer holiday Saturdays – from the end of June until the end of August – the most beautiful monuments of Toruń host concerts of the “Toruń – Music and Architecture” International Summer Festival. During the festival concerts, primarily the classic music, from the renaissance to the modernity, is played.
  • The first edition of the event was organised in 2007. In July and August evenings (usually on Fridays) the Old City Hall courtyard resounds with various shades of jazz. There are also performers from the border of genres, for whom the improvisation is an essential part of their creativity. Concerts, because of the season, are of the mild, summer character.
  • The festival is the first such artistic event in Poland and there is no similar event in Europe. It is dedicated to the phenomenon of the film song and ballade in the Polish, European and world cinematography. The aim of the festival is to popularise the most interesting achievements of artists, who gave an individual dimension to this form of the film work and created works that enchant with its artistic value to this day.
  • The festival with the harmonica in the leading role. But if you think that blues or country is played during the event with which the harmonica is most commonly identified, you would be wrong. Organisers want to break this stereotype and show that this is a universal instrument. Among music genres which have appeared so far, are: jazz, rock, folk, avant-garde and even the classical music.
  • The festival presents and popularises the art on billboards, as well as knowledge and exchange of experiences on activities in the public space, iconosphere of the city and visual features of the contemporary culture. The authors of the festival were convinced that the art presented in the public space may be important for the modern people, because it is a perfect resonance medium, which could induce vibrations into a mind of a recipient, disrupt a routine and reveal new traces of reality.
  • Logo Toruń Blues Meeting
    The event always takes place on the second last weekend of November at the Od Nowa Club. It lasts two days, however there were also three-day meetings. On the stage we can see artists representing the electric and acoustic blues, boogie, jump, west coast, blues-rock, country blues, Chicago blues. Habitual guests of the festival may enjoy bands, duos and soloists, veterans and young students of blues.
  • Logo Festiwalu Sztuka Natury
    The Festival under which the most beautiful nature photos made by both Polish and foreign photographers are presented. Furthermore, movies are also presented. The audience has an opportunity to meet photographers and listen to their fascinating stories about trials to capture fleeting and most often imperceptible to the human eye moments.
  • Gas

    Gas at the territory of the city is provided by the Pomorska Spółka Gazownictwa - Gas Plant in Bydgoszcz – Gas Distribution Area in Toruń.
  • The Municipal Sanitation Company Ltd. (Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Oczyszczania Spółka z o.o.) is the largest company in Toruń dedicated to maintaining streets and squares in purity, removal and disposal of wastes, as well as landfill management.
  • Toruń is supplied with water by the Toruń Waterworks Company Ltd. (Toruńskie Wodociągi Sp. z o.o.). The Company maintains also the sewerage system and sewage treatment plants.
  • The city is currently supplied with electricity by the Koncern Energetyczny Energa SA division in Toruń.
