
  • In order to obtain a permit (single entry or multiple entry) to enter the restricted zone, a person must submit an application to the Municipal Road Management Authority (MZD) in Toruń. The reasons for the application must be clear, well justified and properly documented. It is advised that the application be submitted well in advance as the MZD is obliged to issue a decision in that matter within 14 days.
  • In Toruń there is a periodical restriction for entry of truck/lorries over 18 tons of weight. Such vehicles must not enter the city from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. and from 1 p.m. to 7.p.m.
  • Logo Festiwalu Pieśni i Piosenki Bożonarodzeniowej
    Every year, Toruń is visited by several hundreds of artists from across the Poland: soloists, vocal and instrumental ensembles and choirs. Each of them presents two songs: a traditional carol and a Christmas song. But of course, it is possible to sing two carols.
  • "Africa" is one of the oldest Polish reggae festivals – takes place continuously since 1991. At the same time, it is a great charity action and this is what distinguishes it from other similar events. The total income from tickets and fees for artists goes to specific locations of the poorest parts of Africa.
  • Logo Jazz Od Nowa Festiwal
    The Jazz Od Nowa Festival has a special place among events organised in the Toruń Od Nowa Club. Its inauguration in 2001 was a crowning achievement of the crucial aspect of the Club’s activities, in which jazz has a prominent place. The following editions of the festival are still very popular. Artists performing acoustic mainstream, free jazz, jazz rock can be easily found in the Od Nowa Club, however it is also likely to meet artists loosely connected with jazz.
  • Once a year, the Toruń District of the Association of Polish Artists and Designers presents the most interesting achievements of its members. The Work of the Year exhibition, due to the exposition time, is also sometimes called the “Spring Salon”. It is the widest cyclical presentation of the Toruń artistic society.
  • Logo "Klamry"
    Each year in March, the Toruń Od Nowa Club turns into a real theatre. It is hard to believe that a place, where noisy rock concerts are organised every day, may become a temple of the theatre.
  • The festival takes place at the Modern Art Centre since 2008. The first edition was organised before the official opening of the facility. The main objective of organisers is to present new trends in contemporary audio and visual arts, in the atmosphere of mutual understanding and complementarity.
  • The "Tuba Satyrica" National Satiric and Humorous Drawing Contest was held for the first time in 2004. It is addressed to artists professionally involved in caricature and satiric drawings, as well as to students of artistic high schools. It takes place cyclically as a biennale.
  • The objective set by organisers of the festival is to popularise the science and art among inhabitants of Toruń and the whole region. The event is actively attended not only by staff of Toruń high schools, but also of local companies and institutions, which present scientific achievements applied by them in their works or activities related to the art. This is the distinctive feature of the Toruń festival among other similar endeavours organised in other academic centres.
  • The idea behind the May festival is to present cultural heritage of all participating Baltic countries. It was organised for the first time in 1994. The previous editions of the event were attended by dozens of professional teams, great artists and musicians from 10 Baltic countries. The idea of the festival was created at the beginning of the 90s when Baltic countries were re-established.
  • The Toruń festival is one of the most significant theatre reviews organised in Poland. It takes place continuously since 1991, and nowadays every two years, alternating with the National Debutant Festivals "Pierwszy Kontakt".
  • The theatre national festival and contest. The first in Poland meetings of theatre debutants – directors and actors. The word debut is taken here literally: as the first stage performance or the first professional theatrical role.
  • The May Poetry Buum is an event presenting artists coming from the independent literary community. It is related to the tradition of poetry meetings which were held at the Od Nowa Club in the the 70s and the early 80s. Stage poetry presentations, meetings with authors, film screenings, concerts, art exhibitions and book fairs take place during the festival.
  • The name of the festival is composed of two words with the same meaning: the Polish "plakat" and English "poster". In this way the international character of the event was emphasised. The role of the festival is to promote young artists involved in poster and graphic creativity as well as revival of the graphics society associated with the graphic design.
